Oli Frape

I’m Oli Frape and I’m a lettering illustrator based between London and Sheffield, UK. I produce hand-made letterforms that are playful, conversational and always drawn by hand. My work has been used in editorial, publishing, advertising all over the world.

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+61 432 950 648
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Oli Frape Biography

What’s the weirdest illustration job you have had? I’ve drawn all over a mannequin for Harvey Nichs in London (the torso arrived at my studio headless in a massive box and then I sat working with it on my lap for a week)

Oli Frape Biography

Desk lucky charm?
I have a Great Northern Hotel (the one from Twin Peaks) novelty note pad, and a business card from my favourite artist (Steve Powers)

How do you get out of artblock? Drinking usually helps:)

Oli Frape Biography
